Friday, February 1, 2008

Vampires too are eternal

Once upon a time I believed in a kind and good God who created the universe, all beings and humanity included.

I used to believe in a heaven, where all the good people get rewarded and united with their loved ones.
I used to believe that "I" will be here forever!!

I used to think atheists are nothing but harsh people with no hearts and completely indulged in sins and immoral earthly pleasures....Man, was I wrong!

Not to be hard on myself I was only 14 when I had these thoughts, praying 5 times a day and very proud of my new facial hair that I could then grow for the love of our beloved prophet.

Humans for centuries must have wondered where do we go after death? How come we are able to feel our own consciousness and can step outside of ourselves to self-evaluate?

Why do we have that strong passion to advance? Why do we have that curious force that pushes us to find out?

Oh no....No, I can't accept that....I....die, be forgotten and perish forever? What would then happen to my thoughts, my memories, my beautiful face, my EGO?

I must say, I do sympathise with religious people....after all it's a very hard question that no one really knew for certain the answer for!

Our wishes and day-dreaming throughout the ages have led us to where we are at the moment. Top of the food chain, king of the species and conquerors of the universe.

The same wishful thinking led us to believe that we as individuals were brought here for a reason and we are indestructible if we choose to be good, for that we will be here for eternity!

The definition of the purpose of life combined with the one true message and the chosen one has varied based on the geographical location, time, culture and language.

We have lied to ourselves and ended up believing in that beautiful eternal existence...

The ancient Egyptians mummification, vampires, the elixir of life, religions and God are interpretations and reflections of our own obsession with eternal life. We know Count Dracula does not exist, but we still shivers of fear when we see Gary Oldman licking the blood off that shaving razor in "Bram Stoker's Dracula"!

The thing is I am no longer 14 and I know for a fact that there is no hereafter! I am now an atheist, but much to my surprise I am not wicked or evil.

Ever since I have rejected eternal life, I have become a lot more focused on this life. The amount of charity work I am involved in is numerous. I love my family, my neighbours and all humanity regardless of their colour, their faiths and even their point of views.

I know for a fact that a loving and kind God would not torture his own creation, so I have rejected all religions available on the market as I could easily detect that they are all man-made. Each religion incredibly reflects the culture, the geographical location, the language and the time it was created in. God amazingly sounds like one of us, he gets angry, regrets, takes revenge, hates, likes and favours some over others!!!!

I am now convinced that all religions and God were man-made initially to satisfy our thirst for eternal life, then later on were picked up and developed by control freaks as "one ring rules them all" strategy!

I call upon each and everyone of you to break free from those chains of ignorance, fear, hatred and vanity...

Only then we can through "collective awareness" ascend as a race, have fulfilling and happy lives and be able to pass on that "kind" gene to our offspring.

And this is how we become immortal, by simply being an animal who is trying to pass on the best genes available to benefit the next generation.
